How to Optimize Cash Flow with Proactive Forecasting

On Monday, October 19, 1987, the global stock market unexpectedly crashed. The event later known as Black Monday  resulted in an estimated $1.7 trillion loss worldwide. In its aftermath, businesses in every industry struggled to keep enough cash on hand. Then-CEO of Volvo, Pehr G. Gyllenhammar, popularized the expression that neatly summarized the prevailing sentiment:…

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The Treasury4 Story: Part 2

Ed Barrie   The road map that has become Treasury4 came from the experiences and roles I have had over my career in corporate treasury. It all started with my time at Microsoft, when I was trying to understand their systems and data flows. We were using multiple different systems, including integrations with SWIFT, SAP,…

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The Treasury4 Story: Part 1

Steve Helmbrecht   Ed Barrie, Nathan Brown, and I founded Treasury4 in 2020 around the desire to build the kind of tools we wish we had as practitioners. Ed developed a vision for software over the course of his career in treasury and, for the first time, the three of us decided to join forces…

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